Tuesday, 05 July 2016 11:47

Mind the Gap - Training Course in Italy - 11/17 October 2016

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"Mind the Gap" is an innovative Training Course organized by the SEYF network on the issues of gender and sexuality-based discrimination.

Dates: 11 – 17 October 2016

Location: Lecce, Italy 
Age: 18 years +
CostsFood and accommodation 100% free.
Travel costs maximum amount reimbursed € 275
Participation Fee of € 35.00 

Participants needed - 2 participants 

Participating Countries:  Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Israel, France, Romania, Jordan, Spain and Turkey


Project Description: “Mind the Gap” is a multi-measure project under the KA1 of the Erasmus+ programme. The project’s idea was developed in view of analysis done, were young people and youth workers showed lack of awareness about gender and sexuality-based violence and do not know enough on how its mechanisms work.  Mind the Gap is a project were its objective is to raise awareness on many forms of discrimination and violence related to gender and sexuality that still prevail in our societies in Europe as well as Mediterranean Neighbouring countries, especially on gender issues and sexuality.  The project will be in two phases; 

Phase 1 the training course aims to develop the competences and knowledge of people working with youngsters in order to act as advocates of greater gender equality in their communities by using non-formal learning approach and tools.

Phase 2 will be a youth exchange where we will test the effectiveness of the tools and methodologies acquired during the TC phase during the cooperation and the participation to Salento LGBT Festival.  Further information about the exchange will be issued at a later stage.

If you would like to participate in the training or for further information kindly send an e mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to hear from you!!

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