

Monday, 12 March 2018 11:21

Una serata con...

Il cinema è uno degli strumenti attraverso il quale affrontare e allargare il dibattito su temi che coinvolgono la vita quotidiana delle persone.

"Una serata con....", realizzato nell'ambito del progetto PEOPLE supportato dal programma Erasmus Plus e cofinanziato dall'Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani, è un ciclo di proiezioni di film realizzato all’interno dei CAS gestiti da SEYF per creare dei momenti comuni di confronto, approfondimento e svago per i beneficiari del progetto di accoglienza.

Da una discussione fatta con gli stessi beneficiari, abbiamo individuato il genere di film preferito e le tematiche che suscitano più interesse. Abbiamo quindi costruito insieme questa rassegna composta da film di azione, nei quali i protagonisti sono eroi contemporanei (reali o immaginari) e le tematiche principali sono la conquista di una posizione in una società razzista, la fuga dal proprio paese di origine per motivi sociali, l’attivismo del celebre leader afroamericano.

Dopo ogni proiezione ci sarà un dibattito sugli argomenti trattati nei film.

Una serata con Bruce Lee – Film “I 3 dell’operazione drago” - venerdì 16 marzo ore 16 CAS Santa Cesarea

Una serata con Muhamad Alì – Film “Alì” – venerdì 23 marzo ore 15 CAS Santa Cesarea

Una serata con Malcom X – Film “Malcom X” - venerdì 30 marzo ore 15 CAS Santa Cesarea

SEYF-South Europe Youth Forum ha aderito all'appello di Libera Una #magliettarossa per #fermarelemorragia di umanità, lanciato da Don Luigi Ciotti con l'obiettivo di sollecitare l'opinione pubblica su un modello di accoglienza capace di coniugare sicurezza e solidarietà.

SEYF-South Europe Youth Forum ha aderito all'appello di Libera Una #magliettarossa per #fermarelemorragia di umanità, lanciato da Don Luigi Ciotti con l'obiettivo di sollecitare l'opinione pubblica su un modello di accoglienza capace di coniugare sicurezza e solidarietà.

In consonanza con lo spirito del SEYF, e il nuovo progetto a Novoli dell’Ostello Novello, sta per cominciare la nuova iniziativa dei TANDEM Linguistici – APERITIVI INTERCULTURALI che coinvolgerà tutti quanti sono avidi di imparare o perfezionare due delle lingue più parlate al mondo, l’inglese e lo spagnolo, assaggiando due delle culture più diffuse e, nello stesso tempo, conoscere gente nuova.

One might think that a little town in the middle of nowhere in the South of Italy, with just 5.000 inhabitants as is Specchia, is not important enough for becoming the meeting point for the European youth. But it happened. For nine days, young people from Malta, Ireland, Bulgaria and Spain came an Erasmus Plus Youth Exchange about social work and also to become more tolerant and open-minded with other cultures.  And I was part of the team in charge of them.

“The road goes ever on”. That is how begins the English poem wrote by J.R.R Tolkien, mostly known for being the author of The Lord of the Rings, in which the British professor describes the unique feeling of stepping into the unknown, to the adventure.

My first presuppositions when I was coming here on Italy were a little abstract, giving the fact that SEYF dedicates his efforts on many and varied causes, I couldn’t help but feeling kind of lost when someone ask me what was I going to do on my European volunteer service.

Wednesday, 05 July 2017 12:20

La Loro Storia

The journey that refugees take from their own country is a long and difficult one. Often resulting in permanent ailments and even death. However, with the only alternative being to remain in a hostile environment and risk death on their own doorstep, the fight or flight mode sets in. You must remember that I am no expert in this area and before three months ago I knew very little of the life of refugees, but having lived among them for some time I think it is important to share what I know and understand now.

Va bene… I am here in South Italy almost for 2 months, and all the time I’m trying so hard to understand the people speaking in Italian… sometimes it works, but sometimes it definitely doesn’t laughingahahaha. During these 2 months I understood that...

Monday, 26 June 2017 16:01

The Journey ~ Il Viaggio ~

I have been in the South of Italy for two months now. My project involves the integration of 40 refugees from several places in Africa into Salento society. I understood that the work would be difficult from the beginning.

First, we have an already established language barrier, where half of the refugees speak French upon arrival and half speak English, one or two even speak only their native language, but none of them arrive with a word of Italian. This language barrier is addressed almost immediately, when the refugees are enrolled in daily Italian lessons (Monday-Friday) and have a need to communicate with the workers within their base centre, some of whom only speak Italian. Then we are faced with the prejudices already bestowed against the refugees from the point of view of the Italians themselves.

In Ireland, where I come from, we experienced an influx of Polish a few short years ago during their economic problems and the view of some of the Irish was an unwelcoming one. They believed that the Polish were ‘taking their jobs’ and ‘living off the state’, but this of course, was not true. These new people were trying to build a new life of their own in Ireland because living in their own country was not an option anymore. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has estimated that, of the 55,000 people who have reached Europe this year, 83 per cent of them went to Italy. This means that the Italians need to prepare themselves for this volume of refugees coming into their country and that in order to survive there will be an element of them searching for work or settling in homes in their smaller villages.

The important thing to remember is to be open about their arrival. It is inevitable that they will come – “The number of refugees arriving in Italy has soared this year by more than 30 percent in comparison with the same period last year, with 46,000 people arriving so far” so the next step is to be open and to appreciate the difficult journey that they have been on so far; “of every 39 refugees who survive the perilous journey across the Mediterranean, one dies, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said, adding that 1,244 refugees were known to have died so far this year.”

During my time here, I hope to learn more about their journey and about the acceptance of them amongst the people that they now call neighbours.

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