Community Blogs

Community Blogs

Here you can find blog posts from all the local communities.

Each SEYF Regional Community has a dedicated space where publish news and projects.




It’s Diego an Lorenzo again. We’ve been here for almost a week and we started to taste a little of SEYF’s experience and Lecce’s in general. First weekend could resume with the presentation of our beloved coordinators Sandro and Enzo of Negroni Sbagliatissimo and a little sample of Lecce’s nightlife.

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Ciao! We are Diego (24) and Lorenzo (23) and we come from Galicia, Spain. We are part of the European Solidarity Corps provided by EU within the Erasmus+ programme, which made us the new volunteers in SEYF Italy. We are so excited to start this experience, to help and to get to know everybody!

In this program called Imagine we hope to grow as a person creating a safe free environment where we can share and learn together. You will find us around taking care of social media, giving you regularly content for the next 9 months.

See you around!


Ciao! Siamo Diego (24) e Lorenzo (23) e veniamo dalla Galizia, in Spagna. Facciamo parte del Corpo Europeo di Solidarietá promosso dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Erasmus Plus, che ci ha impegnati come nuovi volontari in SEYF Italia. Siamo così entusiasti di iniziare questa esperienza, di offrire aiuto e conoscere tutti!

In questo progetto chiamato Imagine speriamo di crescere come persone creando un ambiente sicuro dove poter condividere e imparare insieme. Ci puoi trovare sui social media. Alla prossima!


Quando 1 fa soltanto per sé, il risultato è invariabilmente 0!

SEYF supporta il progetto Parto da Qui, per la promozione dei diritti di riproduzione e per una sessualità consapevole.

Parte All Rights”, il progetto di SEYF per superare le differenze!

SEYF is looking for 2 Spanish participants aged 18-27 years old for a 6 months project (European Voluntary Service) in Italy on European Citizenship and Integration from 15th January 2019 – 16th October 2019

Be part of an Erasmus+ youth exchange on Integration and Art with Refugees in Italy, with SEYF Malta!

SEYF-South Europe Youth Forum ha aderito all'appello di Libera Una #magliettarossa per #fermarelemorragia di umanità, lanciato da Don Luigi Ciotti con l'obiettivo di sollecitare l'opinione pubblica su un modello di accoglienza capace di coniugare sicurezza e solidarietà.


 Be part of Religion≠Hate - Youth Exchange on social inclusion, inter-religious and intercultural dialogue

Dates: 21 – 30 September 2018

Location: Karlobag,Croatia

Age: 17-30 years

Costs: Food and accommodation 100% free.
Travel costs maximum amount reimbursed €275

Participants needed - 8 participants 

Participating Countries: Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Jordan and Georgia.

The exchange “Religion≠Hate” is a multilateral youth exchange under the KA1 of the Erasmus+ programme. The project’s idea come from the need to promote psychological well-being of LGBTI youth, inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity. Religion is very important because it often informs individuals and societies about moral values and appropriate rules of behaviour. At the same time, religion is often very hostile towards sexual and gender minorities (LGBTI). This causes two problems:

1) many LGBTI people are religious and are conflicted between their sexuality and their religion

2) even when LGBTI people are not religious many of their friends and family are, which makes coming out far more difficult.

The activities during the youth exchange are all based on the non-formal education method. The activities will include ice breaking activities, energisers, intercultural night, team building activities, role-plays etc. related to the theme of the exchange.

If you would like to participate or for further information kindly send an e mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!

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